Name: oxan
Generic name: oxandrolone
Contents: 50 x 10mg
Manufacturer: SB Labs (Thailand)

Product Description:
oxandrolone is a mild steroid with only a slight androgenic component. In reasonable dosages, it has been observed to have very rare or no side effects. This compound was developed primarily for women and children.

oxandrolone does not prematurely close the epiphysial growth plates and hence does not cause stunting of growth in children. oxandrolone is commonly used as a growth enhancer in children and to prevent osteoporosis in women. Its very light virilization symptoms, if any do occur, makes oxandrolone ideal for female athletes at a safe daily dosage of 10-15 mg.

In bodybuilders and powerlifters oxandrolone causes a strong strength gain by stimulating the Phosphocreatine synthesis in the muscle cell without depositing liquid (water) in the joints and the muscles. Powerlifters and weightlifters who do not want to end up in a higher weight class take advantage of this since it allows them to get stronger without gaining body weight at the same time.