Quantity:–  Primo 100 x 2 bottles
-Deca 300 x 2 bottles
– Winstrol 75 x 2 bottles
Chemical Contents:


This is one if you want to avoid testosterone-based steroids. It’s too
often assumed that just because ‘mild’ steroids like Primobolan are not
very androgenic, then they’re not very good mass builders. Remember, all
steroids are anabolic, and Primobolan as part of a stack is an excellent
This is not a huge stack, but is great for building quality, lean size
(coupled with a sensible diet). We have a number of non-bodybuilding
members e.g. athletes, footballers, etc, and this may be a great cycle for
them to try.

Dosage schedules for Stack Packs

Week 1375mg500mg
Week 2375mg500mg250mg
Week 3375mg500mg250mg
Week 4375mg500mg250mg
Week 5375mg500mg250mg
Week 6375mg500mg250mg
Week 7375mg500mg250mg
Week 8375mg500mg
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Clomiphene Citrate/Tamoxifen is advised to be used concurrently with HCG, and for three weeks