Quantity:50 x 25mg tablets
Chemical Contents:
Manufacturer:PT Schering
(Indonesia) for Schering

Provironum (Mesterolone) Provironum is the Schering brand name for the oral
androgen mesterolone (1 methyl-dihydrotestosterone). Just as with DHT, the
activity of this steroid is that of a strong androgen which does not aromatize
into estrogen. In clinical situations Provironum is generally used to treat
various types of sexual dysfunction, which often result from a low endogenous
testosterone level. It can usually reverse problems of sexual disinterest and
impotency, and is sometimes used to increase the sperm count. The drug does not
stimulate the body to produce testosterone, but is simply an oral androgen
substitute that is used to compensate for a lack of the natural male androgen.
This drug is also favored by many during contest preparations, when a lower
estrogen/high androgen level is particularly sought after. This is especially
beneficial when anabolics like Winstrol, oxandrolone and Primobolan are being
used alone, as the androgenic content of these drugs is relatively low.
Provironum can supplement a well needed androgen, and bring about an increase in
the hardness and density of the muscles. Women in particular find a single 25mg
tablet will efficiently shift the androgen/estrogen ratio, and can have a great
impact on the physique. Since this is such a strong androgen however, extreme
caution should be taken with administration. Higher dosages clearly have the
potential to cause virilization symptoms quite readily. For this reason females
will rarely take more than one tablet per day, and limit the length of intake to
no longer than four or five weeks. One tablet used in conjunction with 10 or
20mg of Nolvadex can be even more efficient for muscle hardening, creating an
environment where the body is much more inclined to burn off extra body fat
(especially in female trouble areas like the hips and thighs). Provironum is
also not a c17 alpha alkylated compound, an alteration commonly used with oral
anabolic/androgenic steroids. Not using this structure in the case of Provironum
removes the notable risk of liver toxicity we normally associate with oral
dosing. We therefore consider this a “safe” oral, the user having no need to
worry about serious complications with use. This steroid in fact utilizes the
same 1-methylation we see present on Primobolan (methenolone), another well
tolerated orally active compound. Alkylation at the one position also slows
metabolism of the steroid during the first pass, although much less profoundly
than 17 alpha alkylation. Likewise Provironum and Primobolan are resistant
enough to breakdown to allow therapeutically beneficial blood levels to be
achieved, although the overall bioavailability of these compounds is still much
lower than methylated oral steroids.

The popularity of Provironum amongst bodybuilders has been increasing in recent
years. Many experienced bodybuilders have in fact come to swear by it.