Mechano Growth Factor.

MGF (IGF-1Ec) comes from damaged muscles cells in the body. More importantly, muscles you have exercised.  What makes Mechano GF of interest to bodybuilders or physique athletes is the role it plays in muscle growth. MGF goes to work directly on muscles that have been subjected to strenuous training by activating stem cells and increasing the up-regulation of protein synthesis. This increases recovery of muscles and speeds up muscle growth.

The harder you train your muscles the more you tear the muscle fibers. This is what creates the soreness a day or two after the workout. The body naturally releases Mechano GF localized in the muscle to get to work on the damaged tissue. It is not like growth hormone mediated IGF1 production that is produced in the liver. If there is no Mechano GF the damaged muscle cells will die and you will become smaller and smaller and your muscles will waste away without this function. MGF replenishes the pool of stem cells in muscle tissue in a pulse after muscles were damaged.

Faster Recovery

If you synthetically inject MGF you stimulate satellite cells into full maturity. This speeds up the entire process by increasing the pulse. In other words your muscles recover faster than with the natural release of MGF. Your muscles grow bigger over time because you have much more MGF at your disposal. You are also less reliant on only what your body is releasing naturally.

The PEG part in front of the MGF means its pegylated or in other words they added a Polyethylene glycol to the MGF to increase its half life from 5 to 7 minutes to a couple of hours. MGF without the PEG would be less effective and would be out of the system so fast it would barely have time to function correctly. PEG MGF is a fantastic addition to any athlete’s arsenal of tools to get the job done on specific muscle groups that are lacking. Once you trained the muscle group and damaged the muscle cells you administer the PEG MGF. It will repair and grow the damaged muscle fibers for hours afterwards exaggerating the total effectiveness of muscle growth and repair.

Chemical Processes

Ciccone Pharma has a 5000mcg (5mg) PEG MGF. When it comes to administering MGF there are different schools of thought. It is very important to understand the chemical process before choosing a method of administering this agent. Let me start by saying most bodybuilders and physique athletes who choose the scientific and pharmaceutical route have to contend with the fact that what we do is experimental and then applied science. Once you understand the factors at work in any chemical you can experiment with them to find its optimum function and possible synergy between these pharmaceuticals. In the case of MGF it works best with IGF1 LR3 Long or IGF DES.

There are two terms we need to get familiar with. One is proliferation and the other is differentiation. MGF as we already learnt expands the pool of stem cells when muscles are trained or damaged. This is called proliferation and the first step in forming new muscle cells. The stem cells then waits on the signals of other hormones. This indicates to them what kind of cells they must develop into.

The hormone differentiator, IGF-1, defines what the stem cell must become. IGF1 in turn, signals the stem cell to turn into a muscle cell. The timing is crucial here. If you introduce IGF1 to early, you can stop proliferation before it has completed. When your body releases natural MGF it’s only active for 5 to 7 minutes. You can then introduce IGF1 to create differentiation. Remember we have now altered the MGF by making it longer. It will last a couple of hours because of the PEG addition. This means you cannot introduce the IGF directly after the workout as with natural MGF production.


The first school of thought is to administer 200mcg to 300mcg bi-laterally directly into the muscles. Using an insulin syringe after training. Because the MGF PEG is long acting it will cause the proliferation process to be extended over many hours. The following day you can follow it up with a injection of IGF1 R3 Long (30mcg to 50mcg bilaterally). Injected into the same muscle (some guys are happy with taking the IGF1 R3 Long subcutaneous but I would put it straight to the muscle).

IGF1R3 Long stays in the system for 24 hours. It will be counterproductive to inject IGF1 to soon. Enough time must elapse for MGF proliferation to be optimal. With this method you train your lacking body part twice a week. On those days, take MGF PEG straight into the muscle directly after training. The other 5 days of the week you take 30mcg to 50mcg bilaterally IGF1 R3 Long.

The second school of thought is to extend the proliferation process over four weeks and concentrate on proliferation before introducing IGF1 R3 Long to create differentiation. With this method you increase the dose to 500mcg of MGF bilaterally twice a week 3 to 4 days apart while also training the lacking body part twice a week. You do this for four weeks without introducing any synthetic IGF1 R3 Long. After four weeks you take IGF1 R3 Long 25mcg to 50mcg bilaterally in any muscles of your choice or as a single injection of 50mcg to 100mcg subcutaneous (remember its active for 24 hours so it would benefit the entire body and all the muscles)


These are the two ways of administering MGF. Doing the injection is also very interesting and there are two ways of doing it. Some guys who do small muscles like a tricep head, bicep head or rear deltoid will take one or two injections with a small insulin syringe of 30 gauge straight into the muscle. In other words if you take 500mcg per side you will split it into two 250mcg injections into the bicep. When however you are doing a flat and wide muscle like chest the guys will go as far as splitting the 500mcg dose into ten x small 50mcg injections and spread it over the entire area of the chest on both sides to create equal proliferation of stem cells. You must also experiment with to find the optimal way.