Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate)

(Drostanolone Enanthate)

Drostanolone Enanthate is strictly an underground anabolic androgenic steroid that is based on the discontinued Drostanolone Propionate compound known as Masteron. Masteron is a fairly old anabolic steroid first created in 1959 by Syntex and has been sold under several other brand names such as Masteril, Drolban and Metormon with Masteron remaining the most recognizable.

During the 1970’s and 80’s Masteron enjoyed significant therapeutic success, particularly in the treatment of inoperable breast cancer. Despite its success in cancer treatment and other areas of medicine, in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Masteron began to disappear from the U.S. and European markets and in modern times is no longer manufactured. Drostanolone is still an FDA approved anabolic steroid, but no U.S. pharmacy manufactures it.

During the 1970’s and heavily in the 1980’s Masteron become very popular among competitive bodybuilders. In fact, it has come to be viewed as an essential for contest prep for many bodybuilders and is a common favorite among recreational bodybuilders during their cutting cycles. Due to the Propionate ester that is attached Masteron must be injected at minimum three times per week with an every other day schedule being the most efficient. Because of the need for frequent injections and high demand for the steroid, many underground labs began manufacturing the Drostanolone hormone with the Enanthate ester attached. The new combination become very prominent in the early 2000’s and as such Masteron Enanthate was born. Masteron Enanthate is the same anabolic steroid as Masteron Propionate; the hormone itself has not been changed. The only difference in the two compounds is the attached ester, which affects the drug’s active life and release into the body.

Masteron Enanthate Functions & Traits:Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate) is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid. Drostanolone is simply the DHT hormone structurally altered. The alteration exists through the addition of a methyl group at carbon position 2. This ensures the hormone doesn’t suffer metabolic breakdown brought on by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme found in the skeletal muscle. This simple structural change also makes the hormone far more anabolic, and that gives us Drostanolone. Once the hormone has been created, altered from DHT, an ester is then attached, and in this case the ester attached is Enanthate. Enanthate is not a steroid or a drug but nothing more than a timing tool used for a drug.

As with Masteron Propionate, Masteron Enanthate is well known for being one of the only anabolic steroids that carries strong anti-estrogenic properties. This anabolic steroid cannot increase estrogen levels; in fact, it can actually decrease estrogen levels in the body. It is for this reason Drostanolone was successful in breast cancer treatment with the combination of Drostanolone and Tamoxifen being very commonplace for many years. Bodybuilders welcome this trait due to estrogen often being difficult to control with many steroids and lower estrogen levels often leading to a harder and more defined look during the cutting phase.

Masteron Enanthate possesses some of the most misleading anabolic and androgenic ratings of any anabolic steroid, although not nearly as misleading as Halotestin and Anavar. Drostanolone has a binding affinity to the androgen receptor that is five times greater than testosterone, which not only produces a harder look it can also have a positive impact on fat loss. All anabolic steroids can help improve the metabolic rate, but those with a strong androgen binding affinity can have an impact on direct lipolysis.

Effects of Masteron Enanthate

For the full positive effects of Masteron Enanthate to be seen a lean physique will show them best. This means the prime time for this steroid will be during a cutting cycle, and the leaner the individual is the more pronounced the effects will be. For the competitive bodybuilder undergoing a 12-16 week prep, you will find Masteron most commonly shows up in the latter half of prep once a significant amount of fat has been removed. The addition of the Drostanolone hormone may help him lose a little bit of the fat that’s still hanging on but more importantly it will ensure his physique possess the hard look that’s desired.

For the recreational bodybuilder or steroid user, one that’s not going to be as lean as a competitive bodybuilder, Masteron Enanthate is still a good choice for a cutting cycle. You may not end up as hard as the competitive bodybuilder due to not being quite as lean but hardness will appear nonetheless. However, if there is a significant layer of fat coving the body it may be very hard to find any noticeable benefit in terms of hardness and definition. This truly is a steroid that works best when already lean in regards to hardness.

While lean use is the best use for hardening it is not the only use for this anabolic steroid. Masteron Enanthate is a good choice for the athlete looking for a boost in strength and more so than often given credit for. Most steroid users only use Masteron when cutting, when calories are low and strength is necessarily diminished. But for an athlete looking for a boost in strength with little to no weight gain, this can be a solid choice. The athlete should also find improvements in recovery and muscular endurance, and regardless of the end goal recovery and endurance are both invaluable.

We’re then left with bulking use and while any anabolic steroid can be used for bulking Masteron Enanthate is perhaps one of the worst choices. The Drostanolone hormone doesn’t pack the punch needed for significant growth. Some growth may occur especially with a very high dose but there are far better options. There are those that will include low to moderate amounts of Masteron Enanthate in their cycle for the anti-estrogen benefits during the bulking phase, but when we’re talking about a bulking cycle that often includes high doses of testosterone this will not be enough to combat the aromatase induced estrogenic activity.

Side Effects of Masteron Enanthate:

Masteron Enanthate is a relatively side effect friendly anabolic steroid. There are numerous possible side effects of Masteron Enanthate, but compared to many anabolic steroids it falls into the semi-mild category. Most men will find this steroid to be well tolerated and even with some females. Virilization symptoms can be strong but controllable with the right plan. A female athlete can make good use of the Drostanolone hormone, but she will need to be careful. In order to understand the side effects of Masteron Enanthate and what can be done we have broken them down into their respective categories below.

[1] Estrogenic:

Masteron Enanthate does not carry or possess any estrogenic related side effects. Gynecomastia and water retention are impossible with this anabolic steroid. Anti-estrogens are not needed due to this steroid’s use but that does not mean they won’t be needed at all depending on the other steroids that may or may not be used with it. In some cases, those who implement a stack that’s not full of heavy aromatizers and who aren’t sensitive to estrogenic side effects may find the anti-estrogenic effect of Masteron Enanthate to be enough.

[2] Androgenic:

The side effects of Masteron Enanthate can and primarily surround those of an androgenic nature. The androgenic side effects of Masteron Enanthate may include acne, hair loss in men predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. Despite a potent binding relationship to the androgen receptor the total androgenic activity should not be extreme and such side effects should not be extreme. If you are predisposed to male pattern baldness this steroid is well known for speeding up hair loss and should be avoided if that is a concern. If you are not predisposed hair loss is impossible.

Important Note: the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, the enzyme that reduces testosterone to DHT, does not metabolize Drostanolone. There is no reduction; it’s already DHT. Because no reduction exists there is nothing to inhibit or block and this means 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like Finasteride will do nothing to combat androgenic effects.

Masteron Enanthate can also promote virilization symptoms in women. Virilization refers to the promotion of male characteristics in women, specifically body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. It is very possible to use this steroid without these issues, although genetic sensitivity will play a role. If symptoms begin to show simply discontinue use and they will rapidly go away. It is when virilization symptoms are allowed to set in that they become a problem and in some cases irreversible.

Important note: Female users of Drostanolone will be best served by choosing Drostanolone Propionate as it will clear the body faster should issues arise.

[3] Cardiovascular:

The Drostanolone hormone can have a significant negative impact on cholesterol. Masteron Enanthate may increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL (good cholesterol). The impact on HDL is often much greater than the impact on LDL. The impact on LDL may or may not be significant. The total impact on cholesterol will not be as strong as it is with C17-alpha alkylated steroids (most oral steroids). However, the total impact can be much greater than compared to steroids like Testosterone or Nandrolone. Elevated blood pressure is also possible but not common.

Cholesterol management is very important when using the Drostanolone hormone. If you suffer from high cholesterol you will want to avoid this anabolic steroid. If you are healthy enough for use, maintaining a cholesterol friendly lifestyle is very important. A healthy diet with plenty of omega fatty acids and one that is low in simple sugars and saturated fats is a good place to start. Regular cardiovascular activity is also important, even if it’s simply taking a walk.

[4] Testosterone:

Masteron Enanthate will suppress natural testosterone production. The use of exogenous testosterone in all male Drostanolone users is imperative if they are to avoid a low testosterone condition. A low testosterone condition will carry numerous symptoms as well as it is extremely unhealthy. A standard TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) dose of testosterone is enough to remedy the suppression problem. This does not mean more cannot be used, but at minimum 100mg per week will be needed in most cases.

Once the use of Masteron Enanthate has ended and the hormone along with any and all other steroidal compounds has cleared the body, natural testosterone production will begin again. Pre-use levels will not return overnight; it will take several months for this to occur. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans are generally recommended in order to boost production and increase the odds of recovery.

Important note: Natural testosterone recovery assumes no preexisting low testosterone condition existed before the use of anabolic steroids. It also assumes no damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to improper or irresponsible anabolic steroid use.

[5] Hepatotoxicity:

Masteron Enanthate is not toxic to the liver and cannot cause damage or stress to this primary organ.

Masteron Enanthate Administration

Most men will dose Masteron (Propionate version) at 300-400mg per week. Because the Enanthate ester is larger than the Propionate ester this means it takes up more space in the total compound. Dosing may need to be adjusted upwards to garner the same amount of active Drostanolone when using the Enanthate version. An increase by 100mg per week should do the trick. Regardless of the dose, the total weekly dose may be split into two equal size injections per week, such as one on Monday and one on Thursday. Total use will last anywhere from 6-12 weeks depending on need.

Because of the potential for virilization recommended doses of Masteron Enanthate are not provided for women. Propionate versions are the only ones women should consider

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