Quantity:100 x 70mg capsules
Chemical Contents:
Manufacturer:Madaus AG

MODE OF ACTION – The liver has several vital functions to perform in the human
body: e.g. it plays a dominant role in metabolism ( sugar, protein and fats) in
digestion (bile secretion) and in the detoxification of waste products. Every
form of liver damage causes changes in the membranes of the liver cell and in
this way impairs the functional capacity of the liver. Silymarin, the active
principle of Legalon, is of plant origin it acts as a cell membrane stabiliser
and is capable of protecting the liver against deleterious agents and of
restoring damaged liver cells to normal. These affects are reflected in
improvement in general condition, relief of digestive disorders.

INDICATIONS- For acute and chronic hepititas, hepatic cirrhosis, toxic-metabolic
liver damage (i.e. fatty liver. drug induced liver damage, poisoning, radiation