The GHRP 6 is the Growth Hormone Releasing Hexa Peptide which is known for its benefits in muscle growth and fat loss.  It serves various purposes which not only include pronounced muscle gains and fat loss but you can even use it to recover from an injury faster. No wonder, why it has been a prime choice of the fitness industry professionals for many years now.

An Introduction to GHRP 6 

It is around the 1980s that the first GHRP 6 was developed. The researchers during research have found a strong release response of Growth Hormone from the synthetically manufactured GH Releasing Peptides.  This synthetic manufactured GHRP 6 provides a much exact response like the Natural Growth Hormone used to produce from human remains. It then becomes a much safer and affordable alternative to the regular GH.


How the GHRP 6  Peptide works?

The GHRP 6 peptide is a growth-hormone-releasing hexapeptide which contains 6 amino acids in its sequence. This sequence of GHRP 6 signals the human brain to release Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland while inhibiting the release of Somatostatin. The release of Growth Hormone then signals the liver to secrete an anabolic hormone namely the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1).

The GHRP 6 initiates a Ghrelin mimetic response in the body which stimulates the ghrelin receptors of the body. The Ghrelin Receptors after that enable the brain to send a signal to the pituitary gland to secrete the growth hormone. The secreted GH then helps the liver to release IGF-1 by which you get its much-known benefits.


Benefits of GHRP 6 Growth Hormone Peptide

Administering the GHRP 6 enables the release of Growth Hormone in the body. It signals your pituitary gland to secrete more natural Growth Hormone in the body.  Thus, it promotes an anabolic response and provides a wide array of benefits to its user.

GHRP 6 Peptide benefits in Muscle Growth.

The GHRP 6 peptide promotes an anabolic environment in the body which enables you to gain muscle mass at a faster rate. It occurs mainly due to the release of the Growth hormone from the pituitary gland and increase in the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF1). This combined increase in these two factors increases protein synthesis in the body.

  •  GHRP 6 Peptide benefits in Fat Loss.

The GHRP 6 peptide aids in fat loss and enables the body to burn fat at an optimal rate. The use of GHRP 6 improves the metabolic rate of your body. This improvement in metabolic rate then improves all the functions in the body related to metabolism which even includes the fat-burning potential of your body.

  •  GHRP 6 Peptide benefits in Anti-aging.

The Ghrp 6 Peptide serves as the fountain of youth for all those looking for anti-aging benefits. With the use of GHRP 6; you can experience an increase in collagen production, promote lean muscle mass, and much better energy levels. It further improves the health of your joints and increases the capacity at which your body repairs its old and worn-out cells.

There are also several other health benefits of using GHRP 6:

  •  Improved overall Kidney and Liver function.
  •  Increase Bone Density.
  • Combat lethargy and promote great energy.
  • Lowers elevated blood pressure.
  • Blocks Somatostatin hormone which inhibits healthy growth hormone production.
  • Improved Sexual Health.
  • Promotes sound sleep and a good overall mood.
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol.
  • A decrease in the number of cellulites.

Now that, you have got a basic understanding of the GHRP 6. Let us take you the details on how to incorporate it effectively to take the benefits.

How to Reconstitute the GHRP 6?

GHRP 6 generally comes in 5 mg vials in a dried powder form. The 5 mg vials, has to be reconstituted with either bacteriostatic water or simply sterile water. Reconstitution simply refers to the mixing of dried powder with either bacteriostatic water or sterile water. However, the shelf life of GHRP 6 greatly increases with the use of bacteriostatic water but it is subjected to availability.

GHRP 6 Reconstitution (Bacteriostatic Water or Sterile Water)

Reconstitution generally involves little calculation but it is not rocket science. Let us make these calculations a little easy for you. The calculations though vary from individual to individual depending upon their goals and experiences.

The preferred method of calculation is reconstituting the 5 mg GHRP 6 vial with 2 ml sterile water or bacteriostatic water. A little tip here is to clean the top of the vial with an alcohol swab to remove any contamination from bacteria before reconstitution.

You have to inject the 2 ml water in the vial at a very slow pace and leaving it for the powder to absorb the water on its own. You have to be cautious and not to shake the vial for absorption and if still any powder remains unmixed, gradually turn the vial anti-clockwise, so that the remaining powder can get mixed evenly.

The reconstituted solution of GHRP 6 should always be refrigerated at around 8 degrees Celsius before and after its use. The solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat as it can change the properties of the solution.

How to Use GHRP 6? (Injecting on Site)

The GHRP 6 has to be injected subcutaneously under the skin and the preferred injection site is under the skin of the stomach. You can inject it on the stomach anywhere by pinching your skin forward and leaving a gap of a minimum of 3 inches from the naval.

How to dose GHRP 6?

You have added 2 ml of water in a 5 mg GHRP 6 vial. This means that complete 1 ml of reconstitution solution in will give you 2.5 mg or 2500 mcg of GHRP 6. Keep in mind not to dose it more than 100 mcg in one shot. So, for a 100 mcg dose, you have to inject 2 units, if you are using a 50 unit insulin syringe.

How to incorporate GHRP 6 dosage for maximum results?

Churning out maximum results requires an accountable dose of the GHRP 6. The dose of this peptide will be classified into three different categories. These will include GHRP 6 dosage for persons looking for muscle growth, fat loss, and anti-aging benefits. The dose is measured in mcg and is split into various doses at frequent intervals.


The dose should not exceed more than 100 mcg in one shot because above 100 mcg is considered as a saturation dose for GHRP 6. You can include more doses, but that will have a minimal effect considering the money spent on it.

The most important thing to note during the use of GHRP 6 is that it should not be administered in an environment of elevated blood glucose levels. Hence, we advise the use of GHRP 6 on an empty stomach or after 2 hrs of the meal.

Also, you should not consume carbohydrates until an hour after injecting this peptide as carbohydrates can elevate blood sugar levels very rapidly. However, you can have proteins and healthy fats after the dose.

  • GHRP 6 Dosage for enhanced Muscle Gain:

The individuals looking for effective muscle gain have to administer the dosage into three doses preferably the first dose upon waking up in the morning, the second dose after 6 hours, and the third dose just before going to sleep.

As we have discussed earlier, no single dose should exceed the 100 mcg mark. However, the individuals who are looking for more pronounced gains and have also past experiences with GHRP 6 can also administer 4 doses.

  • GHRP 6 Dosage for Fat loss:

In order to have an effective fat loss, the dose has to administer properly dividing it into three dosages of not more than 100 mcg in a single shot. The best time to dose for fat loss is just after waking up; the second dose can be injected before going on a workout and the third dose just before going to bed.

  • GHRP 6 dosage for Anti-Ageing:

The individuals who wish the GHRP 6 usage for cosmetic purposes or the anti-aging effects can administer the dosage as 1 mcg per kg of their body weight. For instance, a 75 Kg person will have to take 75 mcg per shot for the best benefits of anti-aging effects from GHRP 6. The dosage frequency and timing will be similar to the above two cases.