This peptide is considered to be a more powerful version of MOD-GRF (1-29) with an action duration of 8 days.  It is best for people who rarely perform injections.

10 vials of 2mg.

This peptide has DAC added and is more powerful than CJC 1295 without DAC. We can supply also CJC1295 without DAC. Please ask for price


CJC 1295 is a synthetic growth hormone (GHRH). It combines 30 amino acids in the analog blend. Users secrete high levels of growth hormones. It is often used in combination with IGF1 (insulin growth factor) or other GH peptide blends. CJC 1295 increased growth hormones, without increasing levels of prolactin and it helps increase cellular repair. It also helps promote weight loss and can help increase the metabolism, among other benefits. It has been seen on several peptide blogs and is amonst one of the best peptides on the market currently.

Two forms of CJC 1295 exist. The first is GHRH which is a growth hormone releasing supplement which is released by the hypothalamus. The second form is a modified version adding DAC, a drug affinity complex. This manufactured peptide helps to increase the halflife of CJC in the system.


Several benefits exist for CJC 1295 users. Obviously, it is beneficial for those who are deficient in growth hormone levels, as it will serve to naturally increase those levels. Increases in lean muscle strength, reduced body fat levels, and increase in overall muscle strength, are all attributed to the use of CJC 1295.

Along with weight loss, users are also going to experience increases in their metabolism. Incorporating CJC 1295 with DAC, will increase the lifecycle of CJC within the user’s system. Therefore, the benefits are going to be prolonged, meaning these increases are going to last for longer periods of time, after injecting the CJC 1295. As CJC 1295 contains 30 amino acids, it’s also beneficial in helping users get in these amino blends, which most people are not getting from their diet alone.


Each vial of this product contains 2mg

CJC 1295 should be mixed with sterile water; approximately .5 ml of water used for mixing will result in 2 mg dosage of CJC 1295. It is advised to use 1 mg to 2 mg dosage per injection vial when administering CJC 1295. A syringe is used, and the injection should be injected subcutaneously, meaning, it should be injected in a fatty area of the body. The upper thigh, waist, or back, are a few of the easiest places to administer the injection.

The dosage cycle for CJC 1295 is going to vary. It can run up to 12 weeks for individuals who are engaged in bodybuilding or those who exercise frequently. For newer users, it is best to consider a shorter dosage cycle, possibly two to four weeks, then increasing from there. If injecting CJC with DAC, the longer halflife means that injections only need to be administered once a week.

A good injection cycle might be injecting CJC 1295 with DAC (1 to 2 mg of CJC) once a week. The injection can be taken at any time of the day. It is recommended, however, to inject on an empty stomach for the best results. And, it should be taken approximately 20 minutes prior to consuming a meal or drinking other beverages.

Again dosage will vary. For someone who is just starting, it might be advisable to begin with 1 mg, or even .5 mg rather than 2 mg. From there,  you can build up the use and frequency, as well as increase the dosage cycle period. Also consider if you’re using CJC with DAC, that injections are only required once a week.