Quantity:– Equipoise 10ml x 250mg,
– Test enanthate 10ml x 250mg
-Tamoxifen citrate 50 x 20mg
Chemical Contents:


A great cycle for all beginners in bodybuilding and others that want to gain mass. Cycle results in mass gains with moderate androgen properties. This is a basic testosterone and Boldo 250 (equipoise) stack. The Boldo 250 allows for a lower overall dosage of testosterone, without sacrificing much in terms of expected gains. Estrogen buildup should be controllable with this stack, yet still should reach a point where it is aiding in the promotion of an anabolic state. Take 1 Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) tablet each day early into the cycle to really suppress rising estrogen levels

Dosage schedules for Stack Packs

Boldo 250Test. Enanthate
Week 1200mg
Week 2200mg250mg
Week 3200mg250mg
Week 4200mg250mg
Week 5200mg250mg
Week 6200mg250mg
Week 7200mg250mg
Week 8200mg250mg
Week 9200mg250mg
Week 10200mg250mg
Week 11250mg
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15