Your order will be posted within 48 hours of it being ordered and paid for. Orders paid by cash transfer such as Western Union ship within 24 hours. The order will be in plain packaging. If the order is large, it will be broken down into smaller packages. Orders are shipped by priority airmail (registered and non registered) and courier.
A customs declaration is NOT required for registered priority airmail. You will need to sign for your package on arrival. If your local postal carrier is unable to deliver your package to the shipping address given (because there is no one there who is able to sign for the registered parcel) you need to contact your postal carrier to arrange a time for a second delivery. If you do not contact your postal carrier (eg USPS in U.S.A.) the carrier may send the parcel back to the country of origin. The parcel will not be returned to us as we do not include a valid return address (for security reasons). In such cases, the parcel and its contents will be lost and we will not reship a second time.
If the package is stopped by your Customs (and you will receive a note from them if they do seize the package) we shall ship a second time (by registered airmail) but you must supply a clean, uncompromised alternate name and address. If the package is stopped a second time we shall not reship. We offer reships for 50% of the original order price – on the production of a valid Customs letter.
Non registered priority airmail ie normal airmail is the most discreet method of shipping precisely because there is no tracking of the package at either end by the postal authorities. All non-registered packages are extremely small and non-descript.
However, please be aware, there is no way of tracking a non registered item. We will not be responsible for the unregistered post being lost in transit because we have no way of tracking it. Any reshipment would only be offered on production of proof from the customer, that a package has been lost or seized. An example of proof would be a copy of a notice issued by a Customs authority. In addition-descript, the customer must provide an alternative (ie clean and uncompromised) name and address. We offer re ships for 50% of the original product cost plus shipping – on a production of a valid Customs letter.
Courier is the quickest method of delivery, but all orders shipped by courier must be repacked to a high degree. This is because courier packages are always inspected and thus the order has to be completely repacked to ensure 100% success in delivery. We advise that courier is more suited to larger orders (e.g USD700 and over) due to the high cost(US$180 plus).
If shipped by registered post, you will be emailed a tracking number please keep this safe as any lost orders can then be traced.
If an order is taking an unusual amount of time to arrive we can put a trace on the order from here. You may also inquire from your end. The registration number changes when it enters another country, but your post office can give you the number assigned to it.
Your order will be shipped within 48 hours it is paid for (24 hours for cash payments). But we try for less. Shipping to Europe and the UK takes 7-10 days and to the United States 14-21 days. It is very unusual for an order to take longer than this but it can sometimes happen. Once the order is sent we have no control over postal delays, public holidays or any other delays the postal service make.
In the unlikely event that your order is stopped, you will get a letter from the customs telling you your order has been seized.
Do not reply to the letter. Instead, email it to us and we will re-ship to another uncompromised address for 50% of the original cost plus shipping (if your order shipped non-registered, any reship will be registered).
If you wish us to reship, before we receive sight of a Customs letter, we would require 100% of the order total to be sent to us again.
Your order will be packed the way we think is best, this relates to the size and value of the order, so your order may come in more than one packet.
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