Quantity:– Primobolan 10ml x 100mg/ml
– LA clenbuterol 200 x 20mcg
– LA Cytomel 100 x 100mcg
– Winstrol 10ml x 75mg/ml
– HCG 2 x 5,000 i.u.
Chemical Contents:


Super Cut Pack 1 plus the addition of 1 bottle Cytomel and 1 bottle Clenbuterol. A super potent stack for real ripped cutting. Taken towards the end of the mass building phase.
The best cutting cycle with Primobolan Depot and Stanozolol (Winstrol). Low androgen properties and extreme cutting results are achieved by combining these two superior products. This is a potent cutting/hardening cycle. Do not let the apparent low dose fool you. These are two very active steroids and the combination is sure to provide quite a pronounced effect.

Dosage schedules for Stack Packs

Week 1100mg
Week 2100mg150mg
Week 3100mg150mg
Week 4100mg150mg
Week 5200mg150mg
Week 6200mg150mg
Week 7200mg150mg
Week 8200mg100mg3,500 i.u.
Week 93,500 i.u.
Week 103,000 i.u.