Anadrol is the brand name of the active ingredient Oxymethelone and this is one of the most powerful orally active steroids that you are ever going to find. If there’s anyone who has ever tried Oxymetholone in the past, they already know what I’m talking about.

This is the steroid which going to help you to get huge with amazing size and strength levels and one of the biggest thing is that it would help you achieve it all very fast.

If you’re still not familiar with Anadrol  containing Oxymetholone you might be better known it as Anadrol – the most famous brand name for Oxymetholone or also as Anapolon. Very often, people call this compound “Abomb” because a single pill of the steroid is so powerful that it feels like a bomb.

Oxymetholone – the active ingredient in the steroid is having a very favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio of 320:45 and since is an orally active steroid, the half life is shorter compared to the injectables: approximately 8 to 10 hours. This steroid is very strong and therefore is used with great success for the treatment of HIV related wasting, treating muscle wasting diseases as well as osteoporosis and many others.

This steroid was created many years ago in 1960s and is used nowadays in both medical settings for various health purposes as well as for physique and performance enhancement.

How Long Does Oxymetholone Stay in Your System? | Anadrol Half Life

As it was earlier mentioned, Anadrol is an orally active steroid and being of their route of administration, the half life is much shorter compared to the injectable steroids that come with an attached ester.

As mentioned, the half life is approximately 8 to 10 hours and that’s pretty good for an orally active steroid. Half life is the time in which half of the steroid is flushed out of the body. This means that oxymetholone is going to stay in your system for about up to 20 hours.

But remember that the detection time is a matter of months.

Anadrol Usages | What Does Anadrol Do? | What Does Oxymetholone Do?

As mentioned, Anadrol containing Oxymetholone is used in both medical settings as well as for physique and performance enhancement purposes. This compound is usually used as a kick starter for a cycle or during a blast, the time when the individual needs to grow as big as possible.

Anadrol is one of the first thing that many people think about when thinking about a steroid helping to grow and grow fast. Muscle mass increase as well as strength increase is why Oxymetholone is so popular. The effects of this powerful steroid are going to be felt in a matter of days and the individual is going to look much fuller and they report getting much stronger.

It works in a similar way as many other steroids by binding to the androgen receptor and having a powerful anabolic activity, estrogenic activity and moderate androgenic activity, Oxymetholone is perfect for getting size.

It has a number of positive effects for physique and performance enhancement such as protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, faster recovery after each training session and many others.

Anadrol Dose | When to Take Anadrol? | Anadrol Cycle | Oxymetholone Administration

Oxydrolone or Anadrol containing Oxymetholone is an orally active steroid that should be used by mouth but due to its short half life, most people prefer to split up the total daily dosage in 2 even halves.

This steroid is used during bulking cycles as you cannot get shredded and lean on Anadrol and as mentioned, most often, is used as a kick starter. The recommended dosage of Anadrol is anywhere in the range of 25 mg and 100 mg per day, however, people reports suggest that 50 mg a day is the best spot.

It is important to understand that Anadrol is C17 AA meaning that is dangerous for the liver so cycle length shouldn’t be too long for avoiding too much hepatic stress. 4 weeks of Oxymetholone is the recommended cycle length.

People often stack it with most other steroids for bulking including injectables such as Nandrolone or some form of Testosterone, but others also include different oral steroids too.

Many people prefer first 4 weeks of Oxymetholone 50 mg a day and a total of 12 weeks of Testosterone Enanthate 400-500 mg a week. Is important to add aromatase inhibitor and a good PCT plan.

 Anadrol Side Effects | Oxymetholone Side Effects

Anadrol, pretty much as any other steroids, does offer a number of negative side effects and indeed the steroid can be dangerous if not used properly. The steroid is extremely strong, one of the strongest oral steroids, is quite obvious that negative side effect can be expected, especially when Anadrol is not used properly.

One of the worst side effect is the hepatic stress which means that too much exposure to this compound or too much dosage might lead to serious damage to the liver. For this reason is so important to get a cycle support product and use it alongside with Oxymetholone.

Other than that, Oxymetholone is offering high estrogenic activity meaning that gynecomastia, water retention, bloating and others can be expected. Negative androgenic side effects can occur including virilizing for women too. Natural testosterone inhibition is a negative side effect of Anadrol too.

Other side effects associated with the use of Anadrol includes: nausea, headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, appetite loss, lethargy, stomach issues and others.